Wednesday, May 21, 2008

WOW....What a day for the QEC and JNX

It all started overnight where Oslo pushed up QEC by 40% on the news that a $100 million investment in the QEC-Talisman land would be rolled out in 08-09. QEC then did a financing at $4.70 giving them the cash and then some to play with Talisman. Junex agreed to drill on a 50% farm-in and saw their shares shoot up over 20%. ATI and GMR were up a few pennies as their managment seem asleep at the wheel in doing any type of promotion. This all on a day when the overall market tanked big time.

Have to watch the Idol final with the kids so I will leave you with this. There will be another 4 Horsemen of the Maritime shale highlighted this weekend. This is the last of the major shale gas basins in North America that is just about to break out huge. One stock, Contact Exploration (CEX.V), is one of the Four Horsemen of the Maritime shale and has the most acreage in the area. They are a $20 million market cap company with 30% of a just announced 69TCF gas-in-place shale property on Nova Scotia (twice that of the entire Quebec Lowland play). Triangle has gone up nearly 100% since Monday on the news while Contact is up only 30%. Unlike Forest Oil on the NYSE, the 70% partner (Triangle) is on the OTCBB which precludes Contact from announicng this find (which was announced Monday by Triangle). This, even though the engineering report was done by one of the largest, most reputable engineering firms in the world. Triangle will be bringing in a major partner in the next 3 weeks to drill this out horizontally. Contact will "indirectly" reference this in a future release but smart investors can get in now prior to the shale gas herd piling on. I'll have a research report out this weekend.

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