Monday, August 8, 2011

In honor of gold hitting $1,700 tonight, it's time to bring out this video

Less than 2 years old but still applicable today. This short video shows what 99% of US citizens feel about gold.

You tube video - note - you must right click to open in a new window


Anonymous said...

Gold hitting $1,700.00 is a total mind blower. In a recent interview with Jim Sinclair, he said that once gold hits $1,764.00/oz. its value will start to go up exponentially. You can see this interview on Youtube at

Vince, I think everyone should listen again to the John Doody interview, that you mentioned before. He says gold mining stocks are oversold and he expects them to make tremendous gains in the next 12 months.

Anonymous said...

That video is great, Vince. It is so funny it hurts. Unfortunately, I think most people in the U.S. still have no idea of the value of gold and precious metals. The weird part is the Canadian Maple Leaf coin is one purest gold coins in the world at .9999 pure. I bet you everyone that he interviewed is kicking themselves right now for not taking him up on his offer.

I also wanted to mention another great interview I listened to today. The Contrary Investors Cafe did an interview Fernando Aguirre about his first hand experience of the Argentinian Economic and Currency collapse of 2001. It is shocking and scary stuff to listen to. The interview is at this website

Anonymous said...

Its a CANADIAN gold coin. WTF??? Houston, we have a problem! Just what you tryin to sell me, boy?? Now if it was an AMERICAN gold coin they would get out their credit cards and buy it right away because they listen to the Fox bogus news network that incessently tells them America is great they are great and thats all they need to know. Good night and sweet dreams everyone!

stateside said...

Thanks for the comments everyone and I'll follow-up on the recommendations.

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