Tuesday, September 13, 2011

September 13th, 2011 Edition of the Stateside Report



Worldly Trader said...

In my personal investment approach I find candlestick charts are useful. I do agree with you that it is best your reports stick to the facts and that viewers can do their own research to find charts and graphics on a company. I appreciate that your video reports are brief and straight to the point.

Worldly Trader said...

These sites have short videos on junior mining companies, b-tv.com, ceoclips.com, korelin economics report, and the contrary investors cafe. I also want to say that I met Michael Schuss, CEO of Canadian International Minerals last Thursday at the Contrary Investors Cafe meetup in Vancouver. He is a great person to talk to and is very knowledgeable about the junior resource stock market. I do not know enough about REEs to make a call on CIN's projects, but they look interesting.

Worldly Trader said...

For those inclined to the technical side of trading junior mining and small cap stocks, "Small Stocks for Big Profits" by George Angell is the best on the subject I have read so far.

Duncanmcl said...

Vince...you actually own shares Bakerville Gold....in 49 North....100,000....see 2010 annual report

Barkerville Gold Mines Ltd.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Vince is one of the few punters consistently making money at this game.

Go Vince!

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