Sunday, September 18, 2011

September 16, 2011 Edition of the Stateside Report



Worldly Trader said...

I have attended the January and June, Cambridge House Resource Investment Conferences in Vancouver this year. I also attended the June conference last year.

I find that the attendees at both of the June shows were mostly retail investors, and the attendees were mainly older investors, as was well as Asian investors from overseas. I have to say that attendance at the June conference of this year seemed to be much higher than the one last year.

I was able to attend the January conference for the first time this year. The crowd at this conference was very different than at either June conference. The attendees seemed to be all investment bankers in suits. I heard the January 2011 conference had one of highest turnouts for any of the Vancouver conferences with a minimum of 10,000 attendees. It also seemed that were more exhibitors at the January conference than at the either of the June conferences.

duncanmcl said...

Hi Vince, can you address your thinking on the issue of gold/silver manipulation by the governments and hedge funds....why can't they be exposed.

Adventure possible can the expect to mine this ore at this depth

Thanks Duncanmcl

stateside said...

Hi Wordly Trader,

It would be interesting to see the attendance figures this year and last. Last year it was held at the Toronto Convention Center. This year, it was held at the Sheraton which has a much smaller space so it may have looked like more people were there. When they hire Ozzie Osbourne to do a mid-day concert like they did in the 90's at a few internet conferences I'll know we are in a bubble and in trouble.

stateside said...

Hi Duncanmcl,

In red lake they are down at these depths but it requires very high grade gold over significant widths. I guess they think there is some of that good stuff down there. On manipulation, I have been a GATA supporter since 2005 which is one reason I have been able to stay in this market through thick and thin. The PM's continue to be held down to allow a gradual rise in the gold/silver price. It is getting much more difficult to intervene in these markets as Central Banks became net buyers recently.

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