Monday, October 31, 2011

October 31, 2011 Edition of the Stateside Report



Anonymous said...

???? AIX up 55 cents???
I see it went no higher than 21.5 cents on Oct 31.
Vince, ya gotta lay off that chocolate before you do a video!!
open 0.155 high 0.215 low 0.155 close 0.200 4,049,798 +0.070 +53.85%

you must have meant up 53%
ah well no matter...more important evils are brewing in the witch's cauldron!
Why in hell is the Dow plunging yet again??? Oh, of course...the Greeks again...
I see today that the Greek prime minister is going to ask the people if they want him to introduce austerity measures...yeah, right. Down we go again

stateside said...

Hey.....I hate's the witches brew I need to lay-off :)

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