Sunday, January 22, 2012

January 20, 2012 Edition of the Stateside Report



Worldly Trader said...

I spent the whole day at the Vancouver Resource Investment January 2012 conference. I have never seen it so busy. I had to wait in line for about 20 minutes before I could get in. Also the conference is being held in the largest conference space available in the new Vancouver Convention center. There are at least 600 exhibitors this year.

Worldly Trader said...

It was bit overwhelming today with at least 600 exhibitors at Vancouver Resource Investment conference. I was able to stop by the booths of Excalibur Resources, Pennant Energy, Calico Resources, Banks Island Gold, Revett Minerals. All of these companies had great, friendly and well informed staff. Thanks, Vince for letting me know about these companies.

stateside said...

Hi Wordly Trader,

I'm jealous - I will be at PDAC in March and hope to catch up with many of the companies.

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