Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Dennis Gartman says the gold bull market is over.

Dennis Gartman says the gold bull market is over today. . Bull markets end when supply begins to exceeds demand and everybody owns "it". . By early 2000, every Tom, Dick and Harry small internet company had gone public and the supply of internet company stock began to swamp demand. Everyone and their brother were day trading and owned internet stocks. That was a bubble. . By 2006/2007, homebuilders were building bigger and bigger homes and selling them to unemployed people as no one cared about the ability to pay. Hundreds of TV shws and infomercials were on showing how to buy and flip homes. Eventually the supply began to swamp demand. That was a bubble. . By the end of 2011, gold production had held relatively stable over the past 10 years even though governments around the world printed endless supplies of money. Very few high grade gold deposits have been found and supply still can't keep up with demand. Even though you are not thrown in the looney bin when you say you own gold, you still are given a dirty look and quickly dismissed. Less than 10% of investors own any gold stocks. Gold is no where near a bubble. Dennis Gartman is usual.

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