Monday, December 5, 2011

December 5, 2011 Edition of the Stateside Report



Worldly Trader said...

I have to say that I think Ryan Gold (RYG) and many of the Yukon focused juniors were more promotion that substance. Unfortunately, the so called Yukon area play was over hyped and could not live up to expectations just like the Rare Earth Elements play.

I think what really threw cold water on the hot Yukon area play was the realization that it would take at least ten years move from a discovery to mining and production operation. Also the Yukon is a very expensive area for mining companies to operate and it could cost up to a billion dollars to bring a deposit into production. The high capex for the Yukon means that has to be world class to offset the development cost. Brent Cook outlines some of these problems in this September 15, 2011, interview for

The hedge funds may have realized that these are long term investments and will not be consistently profitable every year. Another factor is that you can not buy huge blocks of shares without significantly moving up the share price. A multi-million dollar hedge would find it hard to get massive profits in the junior market.

It seems that the junior market will go back to its investor base of retail and institutional investors. So far it seems that there will be less volatility in the junior stocks over coming year and gains might be lower than last year.

Worldly Trader said...

There has been breaking news of two stockbrokers at Haywood Securities under investigation by the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada for being involved in pump and dump stock schemes. Unfortunately, this may have put Mira Resources (MRP) in a bad light.

The full story by David Baines of the Vancouver Sun is here:

Worldly Trader said...

Here is evidence of public protest against mining operations in British Columbia. Protests against mining operations also extends to exploration companies that are only exploring for mineral deposits.

Judge grants injunction shutting down exploration at New Prosperity mine

By Neal Hall, Vancouver Sun December 3, 2011

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