Monday, February 21, 2011

It's not a problem until it's a problem....well it's now a problem

For those hedge funds and other institutions who sell short the resource complex and their shares (oil, gold, silver) because it's not a problem until it's a problem....they are about to experience a religious moment because Houston....we have a problem. There is no such thing as research and forward looking opportunities in the resource sector anymore. The hedge funds and institutions, until now, have ignored peak oil, mid-east violence possibilities, declining gold/silver availability on the exchanges and all of the other signs that have pointed to the situation we have today with silver, oil (now gold) all sky rocketing. The hedge funds and institutions are heavily short the shares of resource companies and are about to receive a "come to Jesus" moment. Hopefully you are positioned all in at this point. The next few months should be fun. The juniors will provide the most leverage and my favorites at this moment are 49 North Resources (FNR), Provident Resources (PV) and Transamerican Energy (TAE). As always, do your own research.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Format for the new webcast


I've been experimenting with a few different formats to provide my commentary and updates on the Canadian junior companies I follow and have decided to go the You Tube route. Over the next few weeks, I will start posting updates via You Tube which will be able to be accessed from this blog and my website. Please give me your feedback at


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