Saturday, April 11, 2009

The best near-term investment opportunity of the last 4 years

Since following the Canadian junior exploration sector since 2005, the opportunity I highlight in my April investor alert on the website is the best near-term (less than 1 month) precious metal gain potential I have encountered. It's almost like knowing that Aurelian was going to announce their Fruta Del Norte discovery 3 weeks before the announcement. The clues are there but no one is connecting the dots. I have purchased 100,000 shares of Oro Gold over the last week and expect the shares to trade over $1 at some point in May. They currently trade under $.20. The opportunity is summarized here (right click to open in a new2 window):

Please do your own due diligence before considering purchasing shares and if you happen to get a double, sell 1/2 to recover your original cost and let the rest ride.


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